Sunday, August 11, 2013

The 'rents in Constantinople June 1996

Back in 1996, my sister Katie was in the Peace Corp in Kyrgyzstan.  My parents and sister, Amy, visited her there. Afterwards, they decided to spend a week in the relatively westernized Istanbul. I found this postcard my mother sent me.

It reads:

 WED 6/26 6:30 PM.

Dear Jason + Peggy - we extended our stay at this hotel - it was too nice to leave. We gave up 2 double rooms for 1 Jr. Suite (cheaper) which turned out to be better - a view and balcony overlook to the Sea of Marmara. Usually during the day it is hazy - I don't know if its weather or pollution. By evening it is clearer. We are on the rooftop now - there is a bar + pool. We spent about 4 hours in Topkapi Palace. We paid $20 for a private guide - we could have done it ourselves but we met this guy last night. He is not an "official" guide but wants to improve his English + take the guide "test." I swear everyone is either a carpet dealer or has a relative who is one - it gets tiring after awhile. Still plan on taking a trip out to Prince's Islands yet and also have to find a cheap hotel for Katie for 3 nights after we leave. It will be hard to say goodbye to her. Love Mom.

Ok - now it's time for the snarky son comments. A Best Western? Belly Dancing at the hotel? A cheap hotel for Katie while the 'rents live it up in splendor :) Carpet dealers everywhere? (Though my parents brought back a very nice Turkish carpet that sits in our office in the house to this day). And I'm glad I know what time she wrote the postcard; I've been losing sleep over that.

Anyway, this morning my mom was talking about going back to Istanbul next year on a cruise with my dad. Hopefully, this postcard inspires them to return.

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